Saturday, July 13, 2013

Snapshots: Happy Birthday Joshua!

Today we're having a blast celebrating Joshua's 6th birthday.  It is a privilege to have this little guy in our family and to see the Lord growing him up into a young man.

Some interesting facts about Joshua:
When he grows up, Joshua wants to be in the military, maybe the Roman Army, the Navy Seals, or perhaps he could be a British Naval Officer.
Joshua's favorite color is pink.
His favorite food is pizza.
Joshua's favorite song is "Lay Me Down" by Chris Tomlin.
His favorite subject to study is history.
For his birthday celebration, Joshua enjoyed having his friends over and opening presents.
While he is six years old, Joshua wants to study the Roman Empire and Ancient Britian.

Ancient Rome themed party accessories aren't exactly packing the aisles at Walmart, so we tried our best to incorporate a bit of Joshua's enthusiasm for the Romans into his birthday celebration.  Not pictured is a legion of cupcakes donning Roman shields.

The kids' cards to each other always crack me up and warm my heart all in one fell swoop.  Hannah's other note to Joshua read, "I am still your frend even when you are mein to me."  There's some loyalty right there!  And a fair dose of honesty as well.  :)

Some words that describe Joshua are:
intense, exuberant, Roman soldier, funny, yeah
Any guesses on which family member used which word?

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