Sunday, June 22, 2014

Snapshots: Weekend

We did some yard work, walked to the neighborhood pool, worked on sewing projects, and enjoyed one on one time with Daddy.  We made it to and from church without a single tantrum (although we were on the cusp of a couple) and we have managed to enjoy an afternoon of rest time, nap time, and Legos.  This weekend must be recorded because we may not have a replay for a few weeks months years!

 This, my dear friends, is why we go to the pool.  If only everyone had a nap like this one...and then went to bed on time!

 We have a few duos in the family.  First came Joshua and Hannah.  Then came these two.  Both spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E.

The girls share socks.  They rarely match the socks.  This, by no means, keeps the socks from being worn.

The Baby.

 The Book Worm.

The Builders.

Here's one to prove that Rachel is not always napping.

And here's one to prove that these little guys do have parents.

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