Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Funnies: Mind Reading

Claude is constantly saying that he wishes I could read his mind.  But no matter how long we're married and how well we know each other, I'm pretty sure that I will never be able to do so.  Our kids, on the other hand, are always proving to be a bit more advanced that we are.  And in the case of reading minds, they seem to have abilities that we do not.

Joshua: Hey, Daddy, I'm reading your mind!
Hannah: Well, I'm reading my mind.
Mom: Really, what are you thinking about?
Hannah: Ummm...I don't know.
Abby (who thought I was asking her): Squirrel!

And no, Abby has never seen the movie "Up".  She thought of that all on her own.  :)

What amazing skills and abilities do your kiddos possess?

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